Work With Us
At Noveria, we believe successful project development is a local business.​
We will either buy or lease your land. We will work together with you and provide independent advisors to assist you in the sale or lease process. If you sign a sale option or lease agreement with Noveria, we get to work! You'll immediately begin to receive payments for your land as we advance the developement process.
You'll see us in the neighborhood building relationships with the community and working to secure additional land as required. Behind the scenes, we'll be working to secure permits, develop project designs, and apply for connection to the grid. As we advance the project, we will complete a range of environmental studies to ensure project suitability and finalise the financing structure. The entire process typically takes on average 2-3 years.
Noveria will carefully select top tier suppliers and oversee construction to ensure best practice. Depending on the size and technology of the project, BESS construction typically takes 4 to 6 months. During construction, you will receive the construction term payments for your land.
Once operational, if under a lease agreement, you will receive the annual operational payments for your land, providing a reliable and consistent revenue.
Repowering OR Decommission
Leading up to the expiration of the lease agreement, Noveria will work with you to repower the project with new technology. Alternatively the project will be decommissioned. If it is decommissioned, Noveria will be responsible for removing all project equipment from the site and restoring the property back to its previous condition at no cost to the landowner.

Our Community Approach
We take a local stakeholder first approach, prioritizing transparent and collaborative engagement to ensure our mission aligns with what our stakeholders value and the local community needs. Great value is placed on working with individual landowners and key local stakeholders to understand the distinguishing features of each participating property and host community. We make it a point to be in the project area early and often to introduce our projects, provide updates, and engage with the community to address questions and concerns.
We are committed to being a significant contributor to the local economies where projects are situated. Where possible, Noveria will hire locally to support the construction phase whenever feasible. Once operational, the battery often becomes the largest payer of local taxes, significantly boosting the local economy. Noveria is also committed to ensuring the project acts as a direct amenity to the local population by displaying information about the project, welcoming local schools and groups on site visits and providing where possible an increase to local biodiversity on lands adjacent to the BESS facility.
Safety & Reliability
Batteries are now a safe and established part of the electrical power system.
Between 2018-2023, global grid scale BESS failure rates dropped 97%
Balance of plant & controls were the leading root causes which are common to all power plants
Lessons learned from early failures have led to tight standards. Significant R&D is ongoing to continually improve the sector